Kehyla Beauty - Mascara
Kehyla Beauty - Mascara
J'ai été choquée par l'efficacité du mascara sur mes cils clairsemés. J'ai 59 ans, mais mes cils sont comme avant ! J'adore ce mascara.
Tu en as assez des cils minces et fins et des yeux dégarnis ?
Nous avons créé un mascara pro-âge pour les femmes qui t'apportera plus de compliments que tu ne l'aurais cru possible.
Des années de recherche ont abouti au tandem parfait composé d'un crayon et d'une formule ; le crayon sépare même les cils les plus petits sans faire de paquets.
Oublie les irritations et les yeux de panda. La formule relève
et épaissit les cils existants et stimule leur croissance naturelle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Kehyla Beauty Mascara any good?
Kehyla Beauty Mascara is the world's only healing mascara for mature lashes. We'll tell you what that means.
When you apply a normal mascara, the lashes are coated with pigments and strengthened. Most of the work is done by the amount of pigment you apply. So the more layers you apply, the longer your lashes become.
This introduces a whole series of problems:
The chemicals in mascara formulas dry out thin, brittle lashes anyway. The double and triple layers are difficult to wash off. Especially if the mascara is a matter of waterproof. So much pigment causes the lashes to clump together and create an ugly black patch under the eyes - the so-called panda eye.
Can it be used to treat my thinning and sparse lashes?
Yes, absolutely.
That's why this mascara was created and we spent years working on the best working ingredients to help women get rid of thin and sparse lashes and make them long and thick!
What makes Kehyla Beauty Mascara different from other products on the market?
Kehyla Beauty is different from any other mascara you can find because it is specifically designed for women in their 50s, 60s and older.
This moisturizing mascara is designed to repeatedly make, separate and compound the smaller, finer lashes that women after age 50 often extend, and enhance your lashes without drying them out.The soft black color past any complexion and hair color without looking harsh or forceful. (This color is especially flattering for silver sisters!) The mascara contains safe, healthy ingredients that help the lashes retain moisture, promote lash growth effectively, hydrate lashes and prevent breakage - among other benefits.
Is Kehyla Beauty Mascara waterproof?
It is NOT waterproof, but water resistant.
What's the difference?
Waterproof mascaras contain plant-based ingredients that can lead to dry, brittle lashes in your 50s and beyond. Waterproof mascaras are also difficult to remove.
Waterproof mascara, such as our Kehyla Beauty Mascara, stays on all day and defies hot summer days, sweat, tears, rain and any other situation where the eyes may become watery.
Is Kehyla Beauty tested on animals?
No way! Kehyla Beauty is 100% animal-free.